Update regarding School Meal Charges

In line with the increase to charges that was approved by Members at the 2024-2025 Council budget meeting on Thursday 29th February 2024, the cost of a traditional school meal for the new financial year, effective from Monday 15th April is as follows:-

Primary School Meals – Increase from £2.30 to £2.40 per 2 course meal – this will apply to pupils in P6 & P7 until the full roll out of universal free school meals is agreed by the Scottish Government.

A reminder for next weekend’s event

Summit to Sea Challenge

Four years ago, some of the primary school parents got together and challenged themselves to a multi sport relay from the top of Cairngorm, to the sea at Findhorn. The challenge was to raise money for equipment for the school. We raised £6,000…. and we had fun.

This year, on Saturday 23rd March, we are planning to do the same to raise money to fund the transport for some of the school trips that are proposed. The snowsports folk will set off from the top of Cairngorm at 8am.

The route includes skiing/snowboarding, running, swimming in loch Morlich, cycling, more running, more cycling, another run and a swim in the sea at the end. Its a challenge where everyone has to take responsibility for their own safety. Its not a race. There are no prizes.

If you would like to gather a team of enthusiastic parents, who are keen to raise money, to join the two teams which have already been created, please get in touch with Mairi Crawford (cmairi75@yahoo.co.uk).

If you are more keen to donate, than participate, please be assured we will have a JustGiving page set up shortly.

Summit to Sea Relay (for Grantown Primary School), organized by Juliette Macdonald

Scholastic Book Fair

The children will get to have a look at all the books in school within the next couple of days. If your child comes home with a Wish List for you to approve/pay for, it is essential that the list is returned to school by Thursday of this week at the latest, as all orders have to be placed on Friday.

World Book Day Tokens

The Bookmark have kindly provided a World Book Day book to gift each child in return for their book token. If your child does not wish to use the token in school, then they will be given one home, to be used in a participating bookshop. They cannot be used as payment towards any scholastic books that your child may wish to purchase through the school this week.

Payment is made online using the QR provided last week.

P7 Snowsports Programme

The Primary 7 snowsports programme will go ahead tomorrow as planned. Can you please ensure your child arrives at school no later than 8.30a.m. Please provide a packed lunch and ensure your child is appropriately dressed for the weather. Some parents have still to return the BSSSA waiver form. Without consent, your child will be unable to participate in the activity.