P7 Class Blog 2022-23

Week beginning the 17th of April

We enjoyed trying out some numeracy activities with the P1s this week, we were teaching them a classic card game – Snap!

Week beginning the 27th of March

P7 had great fun creating their egg masterpieces this week. What a creative bunch! The judges were blown away and had a very difficult time choosing a winner, congratulations to Sofia and her Humpty Dumpty entry.

Week beginning the 6th of March

We have really enjoyed our skiing/snowboarding lessons so far! Here are some action shots from this week.

Week beginning the 27th of February

Thank you to P6/7 for teaching us the brilliant game Spud! We have had great fun playing it together.

Week beginning the 20th of February

P7 were very lucky to take part in a Microbits workshop led by 2 computer science students from the University of Edinburgh. This was a fantastic opportunity for us to expand our technology skills.

The Gardening Club have been hard at work this term again and would like to share some of their recent photos with you.

Week beginning the 13th of February

P7 have been having great fun recently practising their gymnastics and teamwork skills!

Thursday 19th January 2023 – Suggested Work Activities due to Continued Snow Closure

  • Look out of your window and draw what you see – EXA 2-03a
  • Create a short script based on “A Winter Story”.  This could be performed to your class – EXA 2-14a
  • Sledging/build a snowman or snow sculpture – HWB 2-19a
  • Making something healthy to eat – HWB 2-30b
  • Write an imaginative ‘snow’ story/create a newspaper article on snow or keep a diary of what you have been up to in the snow – LIT 2-20a/LIT 2-22a/LIT 2-23a/LIT 2-24a
  • Record and display measurements based on daily snowfall – MNU 2-20b
  • Design a sledge work- Design a fast or slow sledge- what did you choose and why? – SCN 2-07a
  • Topical Science- Discussion of the impact of this weather on society – how can we help those in need at this time? – SCN 2-20a

General Activities

  • Revisit spelling words already covered to date
  • Continue with any spelling/ reading homework if it has been issued
  • Work on alphabetical order/word meaning
  • Basic Maths/Problem Solving Activities
  • Times tables Revision
  • Personal Topic Research
  • Revisit any topics that children have had particular difficulties with

Tuesday 13th of Decemeber

Good morning P7! We are not in school today but there are some activities you can do on the Google Classroom. The class code is prvh536.

Week beginning the 14th of November. 

Primary 7s had a busy week last week with a visit from Polly and Duncan, the Cairngorm National Park rangers. We enjoyed learning about the Scottish Outdoor Code. 

We have also really been enjoying our paired reading sessions with the P1 and P1/2 children. 

Week beginning 31st of October. 

P7 had an interesting start to the week celebrating Halloween on Monday, aren’t our costumes fantastic?

We also had a great afternoon on Wednesday when the P7’s from Mrs Laing’s class came through to teach us a brilliant card game called Speed. Maybe the pupils can share it with you at home. 

Week beginning 24th of October

P7 have settled back into the swing of things well after the break. We started off our week with exploring the Diwali festival and creating some lanterns.

P7 have expressed an interest in learning more about Greek mythology so we have chosen this as our topic for term 2. This is going to be a very busy term but we are excited to explore this topic when we can. We began our study by matching some gods and goddesses to their descriptions. 

Week beginning 3rd of October 

P7 were so lucky to be invited along to the rehearsal of Hamish Napier’s The Woods concert this week in GGS, it was fantastic! 

We have also been exploring silhouette artwork and the results are beautiful. 

Week beginning 05.09.22

This week P7 had a fantastic trip to the pop-up Newton room at the YM where we had an interesting day creating our own fish pellets and business plans to pitch to the ‘Sharks’. This workshop really expanded our understanding of aquaculture and tested our business skills.

P7 have had great fun exploring some exotic sea creatures this week which we are currently researching for presentations next week. We have also explored some artwork to go along with these presentations on our chosen creature. 

Week beginning 29.09.22

This week P7 delved into their topic of Oceans and Marine Life with a co-operative learning lesson researching the oceans. They worked fantastically together and gathered some great information which we will turn into factfiles. 

We also started our tree themed artwork which will be on display at a concert in GGS next month. 

Week beginning 22nd August. 

Primary 7 have had a fantastic start to the new school year. This week we have explored creating some maths problems for a partner to solve to learn about each other. 

We have also started exploring the new Health and Wellbeing programme, EmotionWorks. We have created a working wall of emotion words which we can add to throughout the year. 

Finally, we had a wonderful afternoon designing a graffiti display for our classroom wall as a class privilege.